Responsibilities and Representatives
CHIPP Prize | Michael Spira |
Graduate students education coordination CHIPP PhD School | |
M&O requests for the LHC experiments | |
CHIPP Computing Board | |
CHIPP Outreach and Education | |
SPS Executive Board (TASK) | Lesya Shchutska |
CERN Council, scientific delegate | |
CERN Grid Deployment Board | M. Donega |
ECFA Restricted | Michele Weber |
ECFA Plenary | M.Weber, F.Blanc, P. Wellenburg, De Cosa |
CERN ACCU Representative | |
NuPECC Representative | Klaus Kirch |
APPEC General Assembly sci. delegate | Teresa Montaruli |
APPEC Scientific Advisory Committee | |
IPPOG Representative | |
ECT* Representative | |
EPPCN Representative |
See also the CHIPP Functions and Tasks Document.