TRAINING (2.4.1)
Membre de la SCNAT

CHIPP reunit les chercheuses et chercheurs dans la physique des particules, des astroparticules et de la physique nucléaire en Suisse. Il renforce la participation suisse dans des projets et des comités internationaux. Il coordonne la recherche et les activités d’enseignement et stimule l’intérêt du grand public.en plus

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SGM 2019: Symposium «Hydrology, Limnology and Hydrogeology»

Lieu de l'événement

Campus Pérolles 2, Fribourg

This symposium was part of the 17th Swiss Geoscience Meeting from 22 to 23 November 2019 in Fribourg. The session was open to contributions dealing with hydrology, limnology and hydrogeology at all scales, including contributions demonstrating interdisciplinary approaches. That year particularly welcome were topics dealing with better understanding and quantifying the connection between surface water and groundwater across scales. This includes observations of processes and patterns, process modelling and field experiments.

Aquifères en roche meuble
Image : BAFU

Those presentations and posters where the contributors gave their permission on publishing them can be downloaded further below. Unfortunately, the other contributions may not be made available.


  • Eaux souterraines
  • Hydrogéologie
  • Hydrologie
  • Hydrologie, limnologie, glaciologie
  • Limnologie
  • Modélisation